"Geez...I can't study like this now!!",Eunji kept mad and mad like a crazy because she can't stop thinking about Seungho.She threw her books on the wall until his brother who was took a nap for a while was bother by the sound of Eunji's book.
Someone opened the door at Eunji's room."Could you knock first before you enter?",Eunji made her voice became higher."I can't because someone make a noise when I'm tired!!Someone throw something at the wall until I can hear it!!",that's Junho's voice when he became tired.He so cool,doesn't like to messed up his youngest sister's mind."Mianhae,oppa..I'm stress..",Eunji apologized."Do something which can release your tension..not mad..",Junho went out and closed the door after gave some advice at her."The one thing can release my tension...",Eunji kept thinking...and thinking...
* * *
At Junho's room..
Junho smell something good."Orange...",it was a smell from a kitchen.He followed the smell of orange until he arrived at kitchen.He saw Eunji was cooked orange jam."Wow..smell good..",Junho approached her."Ah!!Oppa..!!!You make me shocked..",Eunji nearly wanted to hit him with her spatula."Yah..I can't sleep because you cook this until I can smell it from my room..",Junho yelled at her but Eunji ignored it."Eunji ah..can I..","Sure..",Eunji cut his word."Take out a loaf of bread first at food locker..",Junho just followed what she said.
"I don't know this jam can make me relax..",Junho said with his mouth was full with food."Yeah..Taemin said homemade orange jam is better than we buy at market..",Eunji said."You guys look so close.Why don't you be his girlfriend?",Junho asked.Eunji can't swollen her foods properly until she coughed when she heard Junho's words."Can you stop talking something nonsense?He's my friend..I bet he will get a girlfriend because he has many fangirls at school.Doesn't you know about it?",Eunji asked her brother but he's shook his head."We are in one school,how can you don't know about it..?",Eunji yelled."That's not important for me but you...are you jealous??",Eunji threw a bread at him."I'm kidding..",Junho laughed.
"Oppa..doesn't you miss omma and appa?They said they will be at Canada for a month.But,it's already 2 months now..",Eunji sighed."I don't know about them now..but,they always give us money for us.Maybe they are busy now.Appa already said that he must work for his manager at Canada and omma just want to take care of him..",Junho tried to calmed his youngest sister."I though it was because..we only their adopted children for them..~",Eunji's words made Junho feels uncomfortable and he stopped eating his meal."Did you want to meet your real parent..?",Junho said."Omma said that we are orphan..Doesn't you know what is an orphan?",Eunji yelled at him."But they still love us as their own children.Because of them,I'm not being bully at orphan house,remember?",Junho tried to remind back the memories at orphan house to made Eunji happy.
She just can smiled....
Junho pinched her cheek.
* * *
Tomorrow morning...at school..
When Eunji and Taemin were walked to their class,all eyes gave a glared at them.Some of them were talked back about Eunji.
Eunji saw her 'hoobae'(junior) who walked in front of them.Eunji touched her shoulder."Younin ah..",she called her name and that girl turned back."Ne..",that girl was shocked when she turned back and saw Eunji.That girl was looked at her up and down,and then...she ran away...
"What happen with them?",Taemin asked Eunji but she just shook her head.
When they arrived at class,the situation was same as they were walked through to the class.All her classmates looked at her up and down,talked back at her.Eunji just ignored it and took her sit and Taemin sat next to her because his desk was located next to her and they were sat together at back.
"Eunra..",Eunji called her friend's name who sat in front of her."Ne..",Eunra replied back."Am I do something back yesterday?Am I hurt someone during tae-kwon-do yesterday?Hey,you are 'paparazzi' in this school,you must know about it,right?",Eunji yelled.Eunra kept stared at her."Don't look at me like that,Eunra!!",Eunji mad.Eunra just gave a picture at her.
When Eunji saw a picture,she just can opened her mouth widely and said,"What the hell this picture was taken!!!???",Eunji mad.Taemin who seek also shocked.Plus,he was upset.
It was a picture of Eunji and Seungho at library.The picture when Seungho nearly wanted to kiss her."Who took this picture??",Eunji told Eunra."I don't know.When I'm went home yesterday,a stalker was walked behind me.I can't recognized him because he wore shades and mask.And gave a picture at me.I bet,he's a student at our school.",Eunra explained.
Eunji saw a note behind the picture.
"Our game is already started...~"
"From your anti.."
Suddenly,someone stood in front of her."Ouw..So romantic..romantic scene at library?You just make a mess at library and try to embarrassed all librarians...",Hara teased her.Eunji just be patience...
"Thanks for begin this game..",Eunji replied back and went out from class.At the same time,Minho was came to school,as usual,with his fangirls.She walked without looked at him until she collided him."Geez..that girl are too rude,oppa..",one of his fan mad."Shut up,you..go back to your class..You guys just mess up my mind..",Minho warned them..
* * *
When Eunji was walked alone,with full of tears,she saw a principal.She planned to ran away but a principal already saw her."Eunji,follow me,now..",a principal warned her.
(NOTE:Last day to updated this chapter.Hey,I'm not finish yet,ok..?!Just busy this October.I want to 'clean up' my mind without thinking about K-POP for a while with full of study for final exam..thanks for read..^_^ and..Eunji-unnie..good luck for SPM..HWAITING!)
Someone opened the door at Eunji's room."Could you knock first before you enter?",Eunji made her voice became higher."I can't because someone make a noise when I'm tired!!Someone throw something at the wall until I can hear it!!",that's Junho's voice when he became tired.He so cool,doesn't like to messed up his youngest sister's mind."Mianhae,oppa..I'm stress..",Eunji apologized."Do something which can release your tension..not mad..",Junho went out and closed the door after gave some advice at her."The one thing can release my tension...",Eunji kept thinking...and thinking...
* * *
At Junho's room..
Junho smell something good."Orange...",it was a smell from a kitchen.He followed the smell of orange until he arrived at kitchen.He saw Eunji was cooked orange jam."Wow..smell good..",Junho approached her."Ah!!Oppa..!!!You make me shocked..",Eunji nearly wanted to hit him with her spatula."Yah..I can't sleep because you cook this until I can smell it from my room..",Junho yelled at her but Eunji ignored it."Eunji ah..can I..","Sure..",Eunji cut his word."Take out a loaf of bread first at food locker..",Junho just followed what she said.
"I don't know this jam can make me relax..",Junho said with his mouth was full with food."Yeah..Taemin said homemade orange jam is better than we buy at market..",Eunji said."You guys look so close.Why don't you be his girlfriend?",Junho asked.Eunji can't swollen her foods properly until she coughed when she heard Junho's words."Can you stop talking something nonsense?He's my friend..I bet he will get a girlfriend because he has many fangirls at school.Doesn't you know about it?",Eunji asked her brother but he's shook his head."We are in one school,how can you don't know about it..?",Eunji yelled."That's not important for me but you...are you jealous??",Eunji threw a bread at him."I'm kidding..",Junho laughed.
"Oppa..doesn't you miss omma and appa?They said they will be at Canada for a month.But,it's already 2 months now..",Eunji sighed."I don't know about them now..but,they always give us money for us.Maybe they are busy now.Appa already said that he must work for his manager at Canada and omma just want to take care of him..",Junho tried to calmed his youngest sister."I though it was because..we only their adopted children for them..~",Eunji's words made Junho feels uncomfortable and he stopped eating his meal."Did you want to meet your real parent..?",Junho said."Omma said that we are orphan..Doesn't you know what is an orphan?",Eunji yelled at him."But they still love us as their own children.Because of them,I'm not being bully at orphan house,remember?",Junho tried to remind back the memories at orphan house to made Eunji happy.
She just can smiled....
Junho pinched her cheek.
* * *
Tomorrow morning...at school..
When Eunji and Taemin were walked to their class,all eyes gave a glared at them.Some of them were talked back about Eunji.
Eunji saw her 'hoobae'(junior) who walked in front of them.Eunji touched her shoulder."Younin ah..",she called her name and that girl turned back."Ne..",that girl was shocked when she turned back and saw Eunji.That girl was looked at her up and down,and then...she ran away...
"What happen with them?",Taemin asked Eunji but she just shook her head.
When they arrived at class,the situation was same as they were walked through to the class.All her classmates looked at her up and down,talked back at her.Eunji just ignored it and took her sit and Taemin sat next to her because his desk was located next to her and they were sat together at back.
"Eunra..",Eunji called her friend's name who sat in front of her."Ne..",Eunra replied back."Am I do something back yesterday?Am I hurt someone during tae-kwon-do yesterday?Hey,you are 'paparazzi' in this school,you must know about it,right?",Eunji yelled.Eunra kept stared at her."Don't look at me like that,Eunra!!",Eunji mad.Eunra just gave a picture at her.
When Eunji saw a picture,she just can opened her mouth widely and said,"What the hell this picture was taken!!!???",Eunji mad.Taemin who seek also shocked.Plus,he was upset.
It was a picture of Eunji and Seungho at library.The picture when Seungho nearly wanted to kiss her."Who took this picture??",Eunji told Eunra."I don't know.When I'm went home yesterday,a stalker was walked behind me.I can't recognized him because he wore shades and mask.And gave a picture at me.I bet,he's a student at our school.",Eunra explained.
Eunji saw a note behind the picture.
"Our game is already started...~"
"From your anti.."
Suddenly,someone stood in front of her."Ouw..So romantic..romantic scene at library?You just make a mess at library and try to embarrassed all librarians...",Hara teased her.Eunji just be patience...
"Thanks for begin this game..",Eunji replied back and went out from class.At the same time,Minho was came to school,as usual,with his fangirls.She walked without looked at him until she collided him."Geez..that girl are too rude,oppa..",one of his fan mad."Shut up,you..go back to your class..You guys just mess up my mind..",Minho warned them..
* * *
When Eunji was walked alone,with full of tears,she saw a principal.She planned to ran away but a principal already saw her."Eunji,follow me,now..",a principal warned her.
(NOTE:Last day to updated this chapter.Hey,I'm not finish yet,ok..?!Just busy this October.I want to 'clean up' my mind without thinking about K-POP for a while with full of study for final exam..thanks for read..^_^ and..Eunji-unnie..good luck for SPM..HWAITING!)